With this in mind, I have followed the principles and rules adopted by John Markus, the composer of “Electronics Dictionary” as described in the fourth edition and recommend them to be standardized for international application. To avoid these debates, it is recommended that writing principles and rules are formulated and standardized. Without standard rules and principles, there will be many debates and discussions about writing style, when engineers are writing their manuscripts. Of view, they are comparable with a “dialect.” Therefore, utilization of abbreviations is inevitable and it is a wise decision to take action for their standardization. For this reason, the abbreviations of a language are considered as “a language within that language”, and from the socio-linguistic point In most languages, especially in English, coining abbreviations is a common practice and most of the high-frequency compound terms are used in short forms. Sometimes, the short form of a phrase is more common than that of its original form because they are very proper and effective tools for communication. In these languages, abbreviations play a similar role, but each of them implies the meaning of a “phrase” instead of a “word.” Thus, they can be considered as the elements of that language and are treated like the original words. The words of the English and other European languages comprise a few special characters implying distinct technical meanings, such as l for wavelength or 4 for phase.

Therefore, they are very good tools to enhance any live and dynamic language. They also reduce the space required for texts, tables, and diagrams. They can save time and money by reducing the time and cost of writing, typing, editing, and composition resetting costs. Abbreviations contribute to faster writing, reading, speaking, and better understanding of technical and scientific articles, reports, and lectures. Any method, which can help us to achieve these goals, is acceptable. The other intention is the explicitness, fluency, and beauty of our speech and writing. The main objective of technical abbreviations is to save time and decrease speech and writing to facilitate engineers’ communication.

That is why people prefer the short forms (abbreviations) for frequently used compound phrases. Many of them are compound phrases and high-frequency terms, and if we use them as they are, our speech and writing becomes very lengthy and boring. In recent decades, all branches of science have been widely expanded and many words and terms have been utilized to express their concept. Preface Abbreviations are the important part of any scientific language of modern life.